
And We're Back!!!

Happy New Year Blogger Nation! Hard to believe a year and a half have passed since the last post. Shoot, that's enough time to have a baby even.... oh yeah, that would be us! I'm sure by now if you're reading this blog then you are well aware of the events that have taken place since my last venture into the blogosphere so I'll spare you the recap.

So I wanted to start the blog back up mainly because now, with the three munchkins running around, it's hard to capture the moments via a FB post or photo so I thought it would be a good idea to revitalize this sucker and use it as a means to capture, when I think about or do it, some of the crazy things around here.

I was reading over a few of the older posts the other day and it brought a smile to my face...it really had me "re-live" those moments. It was then that I decided I wanted to get back to it! So, tonight is the kick off of the Family Man's Blog - tailored around....our family. And of course, any random thing that may come to me when I feel like writing.

Like tonight...

I was taking the kids to bed and decided we'd read one book, all together, in Preston's bed before officially calling it a night. They had both eaten a good dinner and behaved themselves relatively well from the time they got home.

So we headed up to Preston's room and starting reading a few pages from The Wizard of Oz.

I wasn't two sentences in when, without even skipping a beat, this happened....

"Daddy, you have boogers in your nose."

Why yes, Sweetheart, yes, yes....I do.

Oh to live a life unfiltered.....

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