
Best Smeller Like the Grill

Yesterday I was reading something online about things to ask yourself before posting to social media and it really got me thinking about "why I post what I post." The biggest kicker was when it talked about when your kids crawl into your lap, they're looking to be loved on, not have their pictures taken and shared with the cyber world. That one hit me square between the eyes. I am guilty of wanting to capture as many moments as I can because I know they fly by....way too quickly. And I love sharing those moments. At the same time, I know I need to cherish those moments while they're here and live in those moments more so than capturing them so I am really going to work on that. For starters, I've gotten much better about not using my cell phone at dinner. Yes, I still grab that quick picture of my meal oftentimes - sorry, just one of those simple pleasures of mine.

Anyway, it was really on my heart to find out what exactly Preston, in particular, thinks when he thinks of me.....so today, I sought out to find out the answer to that very question.

On the way to school this morning, I asked him, "Buddy, when you think of Daddy, what do you think of?" His response was a very genuine, "What do you mean, Daddy?"

So I expounded a little more... "If someone were to say to you, 'What do you think about when you think of your dad?', what would you say?"

"Oh that's easy," he says.

(Now I'm holding my breath. This is really going to make me feel like horse poo or....geesh...I'm not sure if I really want to hear this....but let's go.)

"The BEST Daddy EVER!" (exhale...pshew) "The best-tightest-snug-in-a-bug-Daddy" (because I always tuck him in REALLY, really tight when I take him to bed....)

"Awe, Buddy! That's really sweet. I love you!!"

"Oh, and Daddy....."

"Yeah, buddy....?"

"You're also the best smeller like the grill, Daddy!!!"

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