The past few days have been a bit stressful - mentally and physically. A few weeks ago my grandma started feeling ill and after not having much of an appetite and a few other symptoms, she decided to go to the doctor. They saw some inflammation in her colon so they gave her some antibiotics to relieve it, hoping that would be it....well, the inflammation went down and her appetite slowly started coming back but the doctor wanted to do a colonoscopy just to make sure there wasn't anything else going on - when they began the procedure they had to stop because they hit a mass in her colon.
They had to remove nearly half of her colon in order to get the mass, which turned out to be the size of a baseball. The doctor said what we had all dreaded - he knew it was cancer.
The full pathology reports haven't come back yet so we don't know what stage or how aggressive or anything like that - the doctor did say he did not feel anything in her liver and is confident he got all that he saw.
So, that's that in a recap. When I talked to my mom Tuesday, the day before "Gram's" surgery, I knew I needed to come home - if nothing more than to just "be there" for my family. So, Wednesday night after I got home from work, Preston and I packed up for what would be our first "Boy's Trip!" Granny Pam came to Georgia to be with Lori and Baby Cadence.
Wednesday was a long day at work - for some reason, EVERYTHING needed to be done so it took me a while to get done...I finally made it home around 7 and we got on the road around 8. The trip home was relatively uneventful - we made it over 3 hours before we ran into any issues - and that was a torrential downpour, lightning, etc....we went 5 mph for about 25-30 minutes - after that, it was smooth sailing.
Preston didn't sleep the entire trip so when we got to my parents' house, around 12 am, he was ready! Yeah, you would think he'd want to go to sleep after riding in a car for over 4 hours and it being over 4 hours past his bed time, but nope...he wanted to play. Thankfully I was able to pull him away from his toys and got him to bed....
So, 6:45am rolls around and Little Man is ready to wake up - not fun for Daddy! Luckily Pop-Pop was up so he took over so I could get some sleep. The day was a normal day except for the fact Preston didn't get a nap. And when he doesn't get a nap, he is not a fun person to be around. So, no nap and a little over 6 hours of sleep (compared to a normal 11 hours....)....yeah, we knew we were in for some fun.
When I do go home, I usually only have one requirement - to have Orangeburg BBQ at Antley's. Now, for those of you not accustomed to Low Country SC BBQ, you are surely missing out. But I won't hold it against you too bad.
So on our way there, Mr. P decides to show out the entire way there - crying, screaming "I WANT MY MOMMY", yelling "NO" for no reason, slapping at the air but hitting himself....oh yes, the little mean one coming out. I was a few minutes short of turning the car around, packing up our bags and driving all the way back to Georgia that night....but, knowing he was just tired, I decided to stick it out.
I could go on a bit longer about what all we did the next few days....Preston played baseball with his cousin, "Baseball" Austin....Preston played baseball with Uncle Brandon....Kayla, Preston and I met Aunt "Tayla" at House of Pizza (HoP)....we had grilled pork chops at the house....Preston played with Sweet Bella (cat)....Preston saw a deer in the field....
On our way home though, we stopped back by the hospital and Preston was able to go upstais and see Gi-Gi. That made her day! She was so excited to see him. Thank goodness a lot of the tubes and things had been removed otherwise we wouldn't have been able to go in there - that would have been a little too hard to explain to him right now....
So, we left the hospital then we stopped in Greenville (after sitting in a parking lot on Interstate near Columbia for a few minutes....) to see my friend who had recently had a heart attack. Preston wanted to show Mr. Blake how he (Preston) could hit a we did that for a few minutes in the 100 degree heat...
We finally made it home Saturday, early evening. I was (and still am) drained....hopefully this week will be relatively easy....but with 2 doctor appointments for me, one for Baby Cadence, and a few projects at work, I don't think that's going to be the case.....

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