So I checked the voicemail (b/c like my friend Chris, I'm not a fan of people calling me back without first listening to the message...who knows, he may have said something like, "I'm about to go to bed" or....who knows....)
Anyway, I went ahead and checked the voicemail and when it started playing, it was my friend's wife. That, in and of itself, was odd. As the congratulations were being said (regarding the birth of our daughter), I could tell in her voice something wasn't right.
It turned out, one of my closest friends, just 30 years old, had a heart attack earlier Monday morning. about a wake up call.
I know I joke around a lot about my 6 chins...etc., etc. but this one has definitely got me thinking. I need to do something. I'll be sure and get a blog going on my progress!!
Thank goodness my friend is going to be ok, but this could happen again. And the next time he may not be so lucky. It also goes to show it could happen to anyone at any time. And I don't want it to happen to me.
Thinking and praying for you pal!

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