We went in for our last weekly check-up today. The doctors had all told us that they didn't want Lori to go past her due date (which is Monday, July 13) and because of some issues she had delivering Preston they were going to be more proactive and cautious when it came to this pregnancy. Well, nothing had been done in the past few visits so I chimed in and reminded them about what all they had said early on.
The doctor did the normal measurement of Lori's stomach and said she was "progressing as expected" and we "would see what happens between now and next week." I guess she could sense my "not-so-happy-feeling" when she said that so she asked if we wanted to do an ultrasound. We both did.
So, we went and did the ultrasound and like what most of you would have done as well, I had the tech insure me that we were having a girl. She did and we are! :-) She also proceeded to tell us that the measurements point to our baby girl being around 8.5 lbs right now....yeah, glad we checked.
So, from that point on, I have been on Cloud 9. Even more so when the doctor was able to schedule an induction for us for tomorrow (Friday, July 10) morning. I'm sure Lori is, too!
I've been excited throughout this pregnancy but nothing like how I was with Preston. In fact, for most of the time I've been like, "yeah, we're having a baby." It really started bothering me, too, that I wasn't super excited. At times I thought something was wrong with me. Thank goodness I had a completely different feeling today!
I'm not going to lie though....I'm nervous. I'm scared. We're about to bring another life into this world. What's Preston going to think? Will we be able to show the same love and attention to our baby girl that we did to Preston? Will Preston feel left out? Will baby girl be a good sleeper? Will WE be able to sleep? What about Rascal? How's he going to do...? Ugh....so many questions running through my mind...I'm sure that's part of the reason I can't sleep.
Ok, well, I really don't have any more to say because I am actually very sleepy. I'm trying to watch the Braves....bullpen has blown another game for Tommy Hanson...he should be 6-0 now, but oh well!
I'm sure I'll post more tomorrow....all I know is I am SO EXCITED that we're going to be able to meet our little girl tomorrow. Oh, and if you're still reading this, we still don't have a name picked out yet. :-)

We are SO excited for you guys and we can't wait to meet Baby "Pink"! I hope everything goes smoothly today...be sure to send some pics out! What an exciting day!!!
Danielle, Brad & Perrin