No better subject line that the one above as I honestly have no idea what this blog will be about. The past few weeks have flown by - Cadence turned one and had a wonderful time with her friends and family. She also had her one year checkup and is still "very petite." Kind of bizarre seeing as how she is literally eating us out of house and home. Our friends came over the other night for dinner and Cadence ate 3 entire hot dogs, along with other munchy stuff, and wanted more...we had to stop her or else we felt we'd be dealing with a little girl with an upset tummy all was too late. She didn't sleep well, nor did we - especially since she took up more than half of the king size bed we sleep in. We don't usually let the kids stay in the bed with us but when we couldn't console Cadence that night, we had to do something so we could at least get an hour of sleep...
I've been able to get a lot of golf in lately...most of it has been free, which is the best type of golf!!! This past Monday I played at TPC Sugarloaf. That was a very exciting time for me as that course is where the AT&T Classic (formerly the BellSouth Classic) was played. Normally golf isn't a tremendous workout, but since I've been playing when it's been close to 100 degrees, the heat has made it feel like an intense 3-hour-straight-cardio-workout....
My workout routine has been hit or miss; however, the diet has been pretty much "stuck to". I'm down a little over 10lbs in nearly a's the first time I've been under 190 in nearly 3 years.
Friday we officially became "old" as we traded in the Pilot for an Odyssey. It's ok though...that's one smooth ride. Lori's getting the full experience this week as she headed out with the kids to "Granny Pammy's" house today. It's a perfect week for them to go on a mini-vacation as I'm in Green Belt (Six Sigma) training all week at work.
Well, that's pretty much the happenings around the Rickards' household for the past few weeks.....
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