
Long Hair and Beards

Part of being a dad means having to bite your tongue. Or at least trying your hardest, especially when you child does or says something you know is not right but sure is funny.

Sometimes that doesn’t work.

For example, you child has some small toy figures…let’s say for his train. (And I’m going to stick with ‘he’ and ‘his’ b/c this is my blog and I’m not really in to being PC on my own site….)

So, he has a man and a woman figure (note I haven’t said figurine b/c that, to me, is not a cool word….) – the man has short hair and the woman has long hair.

Naturally, you do your part and help him understand that “this one with the short hair is a man” and “this one with the long hair is a woman,” right? Right.

Then the time comes when you’re at a stop light right next to a big, burly man on his Harley…with really long hair. Not the Harley…the man.

Your son says, “Hey, Daddy! Look at that lady. She’s yucky!!”

You look and don’t see one (a woman) so you say, “Where son? I don’t see one.”

And without missing a beat you get the response, “Right there. With the long hair and beard….oooooh, yucky!!!”

You reply, “No son, that’s a man. But you’re right – ‘ooooh, yucky!’”

You then burst out laughing and turn back to the front of your car only to see this lovely man staring at you because the windows were down and ‘he’ heard everything.

Gulp! Don’t those guys eat small children for saying things like that? Or do they just beat-down the dad’s for laughing at the innocent observation?

I guess I have some ‘splaining to do.

I guess I should have held my tongue.

Thank goodness that hasn’t happened to me.

Photo taken from: http://sturgiszone.com/picsphotos/bikerchick/bikerchick2004feb26.html on 6.3.2009

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