
The Bellyman

Every morning I wake up and during my stroll to the bathroom (or the washroom for my Canadian friends....which I really don't understand b/c I don't wash in the toilet....but I digress) I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

There, and only there, am I greeted by.....(dramatic pause for a drumroll or one of those dah-dah-dahdah's)....."The Bellyman."

Now, The Bellyman is no ordinary man. This my friends, is the evil villain. Oh yes. This is worse than the Joker. Worse than Kryptonite. Worse than....wait for it....NEWMAN!!!!

The Bellyman has no mercy. He stops for no one! In fact, he is starving for attention. (Haha, get it...starving....)

So my friends - I thought I needed to warn you. Please, please, please be careful. Don't let The Bellyman find you!

Image taken from: http://i35.tinypic.com/2bs4g8.jpg

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