Normally my blogs consist of crazy things that "you just can't make up" or any other random thing that comes to my mind, but this one's a little different. Today's "Father's Day" and I thought I'd take a little different approach on this one.
Normally, I don't really share too much as it pertains my personal life outside of those things that I feel need to be shared. Not that I think it's a bad thing or anything like that, I just don't do it. But this blog will be a little different.
We had a really awesome sermon this morning at church. Pastor Richard spoke on the importance of leaving an inheritance for your children's children - Prov. 13:22. He went on to explain how this really wasn't referring to a monetary inheritance but one of character. I won't go into too many of the details or get all "preachy" or anything, but I will say it was one of the best sermons I have heard in a long time.
This sermon was very emotional - for many, many people and for many, many reasons. For some, memories of their father is not very positive, for some this was their first Father's Day without their father, for others their fathers are serving overseas...whatever the reason, you could really sense the emotions.
Pastor Richard made a comment that really jumped out at me - based on a study, only 1 in 5 people have a positive relationship with their fathers. WOW. One in That's staggering. Thank GOD I am one of the "1's" in that 1 in 5....but I have quite a few friends, some of who are very close to me, that fall in the other 80%...and I just can't imagine what that's like.
My dad and I have always been close. I have many fond memories of playing catch in the front yard, grounders being hit to me, pop ups, letting me drive the trailer to get the boat, so forth and so on. But I also remember how he taught me to always respect others, especially my mom. But one thing that I struggled with for the longest time was telling him that I loved him. I honestly don't know why.
When Lori and I first started dating, some ~9 years ago, she asked me one day, "Why do you always tell your mom and sister you love them before hanging up the phone but never tell your dad?" Talk about cutting to the chase. Unfortunately, I didn't know what to say, much like how the coyote wouldn't know what to do if he ever actually caught the road runner. But I'll tell you one thing, I can probably count on my hands the number of times I have finished a conversation, whether in person, via email or on the phone, and NOT said "I love you" to him since that day.
I don't really recall my dad being a very emotional person. In fact, there are only three times that I actually remember seeing him cry - when a good friend's son was killed, when my Granddad died, and when he was really going through a rough time. Now me, I have probably cried three times this month already.....but one thing is true about my dad, he was always there for me. And always will be.
During the sermon today, sitting there with my arm around my beautiful bride, feeling her try and hold back the tears, I made a vow to myself to never, NEVER, allow myself to be put in a situation to where my children would have to wonder what it would be like "if only my Dad would have been there."
Lord willing, I will always strive to be an example to my children of sincerity, love and respect and put my faith and trust in that they will continue paying that forward, ultimately leaving a legacy for my children's children and likewise from generation to generation.
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