A few months back I stumbled across something on Facebook that made me take a step back and has changed the way I view "life". Something that started out very small, but has become very big. A project from a local businessman here in Gwinnett County. A song. A song entitled All Are Our Heroes.
And who would have thought something as simple as a song could have the potential to change the world? I'll tell you who - David Greer. And I'm honored to call him my friend.
The song was written by a local businessman, Greer, here in Gwinnett County and was inspired by all the "heroes" who have fought, and who are fighting, cancer.
When asked what led to this project and what he hopes can come about from this, Greer stated, “The mission is to bring people around the world together to inspire participation and support for cancer advocacy, prevention and research. I'm a dreamer and if you're going to dream, dream big.”
As someone who has not yet personally experienced the pain or suffering this terrible disease causes, and Lord willing, hope to never go through - I honestly cannot put myself in the shoes of anyone who has gone through this nor can I can say "I know what you're dealing with." That just wouldn't be true. What I can do though, is admire the strength, passion and desire these individuals display every single day. These people are truly our heroes.
And that's what I meant by this changing my life. Often times when things are not going as expected....car troubles, children acting out, a headache, not being able to afford that new flat-screen tv, etc. we all have a tendency to think, "Why me? This is horrible. Oh woe is me...." But when you take just 2 seconds to think about what these individuals go through every single day of their lives, it really makes you think twice about the "troubles" in your own life. Or at least it did for me.
I've put a small snip-it from the All Are Our Heroes website (http://www.allareourheroes.com) below. If you haven't yet gone to the site, take a few minutes and check it out. Play the song. It will definitely speak to you. If you're on Facebook and haven't joined the group, do so. And if you feel led, make a small donation to help continue spreading the awareness. (RPR)
Excerpt below:
Inspired by Battles Unspoken, Triumphs Unknown
“All Are Our Heroes -- that's what I thought. I reflected on the faces of the people I see walking in the Survivor’s Walk at our local Relay For Life.
Young, old, man, woman and child -- their battles unspoken, their triumphs unknown. Some people smile at life's darkest hour,” says Greer, whose thoughts quickly became lyrics.
Greer, along with his wife Kelly, is the founder and publisher of Gwinnett Magazine, and president of Tillman Allen Greer, a marketing and media firm based in Lawrenceville. For many years, they’ve been committed supporters of the American Cancer Society and Gwinnett’s Relay for Life. Gwinnett Magazine has featured cover stories and “profiles in courage” of cancer survivors to help educate, celebrate and support the vital work done in our community.
Rachel Farley, just 14 and from Lawrenceville, is an up-and-coming country music artist, who folks in-the-know believe will one day be a household name. “I still cry when she sings it,” says Greer. “Hearing the words sung with such emotion and identifying with the lyrics just honors and memorializes all the people I thought about when I initially wrote it.”
Within days, the song was introduced to enthusiastic officials from the Gwinnett unit of the American Cancer Society (ACS). Weeks later, state and regional ACS leadership gave a listen – and their wholehearted support.
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